Consider Bear Fund for your Year-End Giving

Thanks to a great community effort to support the HSA’s annual campaign, The Bear Fund, we are very close – just $9,000 – to reaching our goal of $155,000. This is the amount we raised for last year’s campaign, and we can raise it again with your support! 


As you think about your end-of-year giving, please consider directing your donation to the Bear Fund. Whether you have yet to donate or can afford to give a little more, every donation is appreciated and helps us reach both our dollar goal and 100% participation. 


No gift is too small or too large! It all adds up to enhanced learning for our students, supported teachers, a well-supplied school, and meaningful community events! Click here to donate today!


Remember that many companies offer matching grants for charitable giving. This means that your donation could have two or three times the impact! Please reach out to your HR department after making your donation to initiate the match process. If you need assistance, please email The Bear Fund.

The Bear Fund team thanks you for supporting Lafayette and wishes your family a wonderful winter break!