Calling all parents and families to join the Dr. B Goodbye Celebration 6/5 at 6 PM!

We hope you’ll help us honor her decade of leadership – from renovation to COVID management. We especially want 5th graders to attend to present the class quilt to Dr. B! We will hear from speakers, present gifts from the 5th grade and socialize with cupcakes! This will also serve as a thank you and mixer for all of the HSA volunteers!

When: Wednesday, June 5th, 6 PM

Where: Lafayette cafeteria

Who: Bring yourselves and your kids! A few kids who have helped put the final touches on the 5th grade quilt wrote a few words of thanks and your 5th graders are invited to stand up on the stage to help present her with the handmade and beautiful quilt!

Kids and parents please participate in the Kudo virtual message board with photos, videos and kind words! It take :30 seconds and is a fun way to say our goodbyes!