Back To School Checklist!

Lafayette Back To School Checklist!
Visit To Do The Following:

Pay Your Class Activity Fee
The class activity fee pays for costs associated with field trips (buses, etc.), field day t-shirts, and end-of-year parties. Instead of asking parents to pay multiple times, we combine the costs upfront. Link will be available soon!

Sign Up for the Thursday Bulletin
Get weekly Lafayette news, events, and updates from the HSA. We cannot share information if you do not sign up for the newsletter directly.

Register for the A to Z Directory
All families, whether you have had an account in prior years or not, need to update their teacher/class assignments this year to stay in touch. This is crucial for families to get in touch with one another and you can opt in to share your preferred method of contact.

Donate to the Bear Fund
The Bear Fund is the HSA’s annual giving campaign. It supports our unique PEACE program, musical instruments, classroom libraries, supplies, professional development, community events like Movie Night, and more. This year, the HSA has budgeted $400 per student. Your Bear Fund donation in any amount is appreciated!

Save the Date!
Movie Night 9/21, HSA General Meeting 10/1, Fall Festival 10/26, Spring Auction 5/3

Explore HSA Volunteer Opportunities!
There are big and small roles. No experience needed!