LSAT Meeting This Wednesday, December 20

The Lafayette LSAT will meet on Wednesday, December 20th from 7:30 am – 8:30 am via Teams with the link below.  The agenda is as follows:

  • Enrollment Projections
    • Continue discussion from last month
    • Ensure the next steps from last month are addressed
      • Confirm with the Early Childhood team that we will have three PK4 sections (+20) students
      • Confirm our ELL and Special Education projections
      • Review and create principal petitions for increases in enrollment at key grade levels (3rd, 4th, and 5th grades)
  • Budget season preparation 
    • Categories: what buckets of priorities will shape the discussion over the coming months?
    • Scheduling community meetings
    • What methods will be used to capture public and staff comment

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

As a reminder, all LSAT meetings are open to the public.  However, the only meeting participants are the elected parents, staff, and community members.  

Would you like to have a question or issue addressed by the LSAT?  Drop your question here