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April 2019

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A Message from Dr. B

Dear Lafayette Families – Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a beautiful and restful week. We are in the homestretch of the school year. The last 8

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Revised HSA By-Laws for Review

In an attempt to streamline its work and increase volunteer opportunities that are more manageable in terms of time commitment, the HSA board has revised its by-laws and operating procedures.

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HSA Board Meeting Next Week: Proposal for a Smaller Board

Happy Spring! First, we want to thank everyone who attended and supported our auction, Diplomatic Ties. It was a wonderful evening and we want to express our sincere thanks to

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District Officials Propose Steps to Improve Traffic Safety

Suggestions Include Signage, Eliminating Bus Stops, Rerouting E6 District government officials proposed increased traffic safety measures around the school and a potential plan to re-route city buses off Broad Branch

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